Trade and Distro:open(forever)

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Check out my new and better site: Anime Junk 8-17-02Well anyways i won't be updating on this
page but i will update the list and wanted
page so all traders and people who buy
anime are all welcome. the trade and
distribute area will be open until i die
(hope not)^_^

check out my new site, its great
and has no pop ups. It will be updated
a lot more often and i got someone to
help me so we'll reply to your e-mail 2x
faster!!!!Of course this site is still
alive but the new site is just a
lot better so whichever
on is up to you.^_^

Anime Junk(my new site)
Does anyone want to help me on this web page? I need someone who can help me and also increase your own anime collection!!!

You are the
9062 st/th person here!!!!